Welcome to my Website

website has been moved to samidy.com !!

my name is samidy, just made this website for fun really. check it out

i like coding, currently learning python as of now

i will def update this website, but for now it looks good for my first website

this is just a "about me" thing.

if you are also a beginner, i would highly recommend neocities 5 minute HTML course! its only 5 minutes and teaches you how to do alot of basic and good things, and its interactive and fun. i highly recommend it

But yeah, this is the home page



check out UI-Buddy! its a python program that allows you to make your own main menus! really fun python program


added the website to github, its a template now. i just really hate how most "easy website builders" throw ads into your website and dont even allow you to download your website. well now make your own website without even needing to know basic html knowledge. and yes its really simple, but its good for a little portfolio. you can use neocities as the text editor or really

whatever you want lmao, just please read the README.md included in the download (idek if this helps if you don't know html, I just threw it into GitHub as a joke at first)